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What links Italian textiles magnate Luciano Benetton to the small Mapuche community of the Curiñanco-Nahuelquir ? This is the fight that has opposed for years the Mapuche Indians to the Benetton Empire, who wants to seize their ancestral lands in Patagonia. This land of Patagonia emerges on stage : Mountain ranges, deserts, forests and imaginary cities… The two interpreters retrace the history of this region of Argentina with, as a highlight, the process of recovery of ancestral lands sold to foreign powers. Tierras del Sud, the second part of the documentary trilogy PACÍFICO, denounces the development of new forms of colonialism and the ensuing atrocities to highlight the Mapuche resistance against this oppression. For the Mapuche people, present for centuries, property does not exist. Man belongs to the earth and not the other way around.

Olivier Fregaville

8 à 15 €
In French, Spanish
Overtitled in French

Country Espagne

dramaturgy Txalo Toloza-Fernández
choreography Laida Azkona Goñi

direction Assistant Raquel Cors Original soundtrack and soundscape design Juan Cristóbal Saavedra lighting design Ana Rovira Audiovisual design MiPrimerDrop set design Juliana Acevedo & MiPrimerDrop Construction Lola Belles, Mariona Signes & RotorFab-Espai Erre styling Sara Espinosa Research process co-ordinator Leonardo Gamboa Caneo Musical selection Marcelo Pellejero translation and surtitles Marion Cousin with Laida Azkona Goñi & Txalo Toloza-Fernández Voices Sergio Alessandria, Agustina Basso, Conrado Parodi, Gerardo Ghioldi, Daniel Osovnikar, Sebastián Seifert, Rosalía Zanón and Marcela Imazio

Tierras del Sud is a joint production by Antic Teatre, Festival TNT and Azkona&Toloza. Subsidized by the Government of Navarra and with support from the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Iberescena Program. With the collaboration of Innova Cultural (a Fundación Bancaria Caja Navarra and Obra Social “La Caixa” program), Teatro Gayarre, El Graner – Mercat de les Flors, La Caldera, Azala Espazioa, Patagonian Institute of Arts, L’Estruch of Sabadell, and Osvaldo Bayer Popular Library in Villa La Angostura.

ONDA Instituto Cervantes Paris Inaem

As part of


Chantiers d'Europe 2019

Mon 13 May 2019

7:00 PM

8 à 15 €

Book event

Tue 14 May 2019

7:00 PM

8 à 15 €

Book event