Tânia Carvalho

Tânia Carvalho, born in 1976 in Viana do Castelo, Portugal, and now based in Lisbon, is a renowned choreographer with a repertoire of more than twenty works. She is also active in other areas of the arts, including music, design and cinema.
Tânia Carvalho’s original choreography includes works for the ballet of the Lyon National Opera (Xylographie), the Company of Elders in London (I Walk, You Sing), the National Ballet of Portugal (S), the Companhia Paulo Ribeiro (How will I do this?), and Dançando com a iferença (Doesdicon). In 2021, she was guest choreographer invited by (LA)HORDE to create a work with the dancers of the Marseille National Ballet, One of Four Periods in Time (Ellipsis), as part of the joint program featuring Childs, Carvalho, Lasseindra and Doherty.
Tânia Carvalho has worked on a number of musical projects including Madmud, Idiolecto and dubloc barulinl. The year 2018 saw her make her first dance film, A Bag and a Stone. In 2000 she won the Young Creators Award in Barcelona for Inicialmente Previsto; she was awarded the “Prémio Autores” by the Portuguese Society of Authors (SPA) for Icosahedron (2012) and Oneironaut (2021).